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Presentation Skills and Public Speaking in English for CEO’s, Board Members and Higher Management

Magdalena Nowakowska

Trener biznesu i biznes coach

The training is a personalized, practical workshop that combines training tools and techniques, executive coaching tools and elements of mentoring. It is designed for higher managers, experts, specialists and board members. It is especially useful to those, who already have got some experience in presentation skills, who regularly lead public meetings and discussions with demanding public and who desire to gain advanced techniques and experience in giving excellent presentations and in public speaking skills.

The training is conducted individually in a flexible time frame adjusted to usually busy time schedules of the training Participants. It is designed in a way, that supports the Participants in gaining new, advanced presentation and public speaking techniques and tools, in building up self- confidence and in holding the image of a magnificent and decided leader.

The training provides a highly structured, inspiring and dynamic experience in a unique content delivery format that maximizes learning and growth. The Trainee consolidates new habits of speaking, argumentation, building rapport with the public and influencing skills. She/ He does many interesting tasks, has got a chance to view with the trainer many inspiring presentations of top presenters in the world and discuss them with the trainer.


The training Participant decides what She/He wants to work on:

  • a business presentation that you will need soon
  • specific elements of a presentation, which She/ He will want to use in a future presentation, such as effective data presentation, figures or arguments to persuade the public to change their mind and undertake certain actions
  • specific public speaking event important for the company’s business interests, the board, shareholders, which will prove a new business strategy, show business results or changes that need to be adopted
  • nonverbal communication, body language, mimic and voice to assert and extend one’s influence on the public
  • developing skills of preparing, building and delivering attractive presentations both verbally and in a visual form, which strengthen the image and influence of the presenter and public speaker


The training supports the Trainee with:

  • Presentation strategies that divers speaker’s range of impact on the audience
  • Ideas and tools that alter the speaker’s way of perceiving the relationship between the goal and effect He/ She wants to achieve
  • Inspirations on how to be a thought provoking and change driving leader using up to date public speaking techniques
  • Strategies used in presentation that grab audience attention, interest and motivation to act
  • Guiding you to find and capitalize on the balance between strategies/ techniques and your own personality, experience and charisma in public speaking and your presentations
  • Exercises and tools to overcome pressure, stress and obstacles that arise when speaking in public
  • Exposing the Trainee to the best public speakers by viewing their presentation, discussing them according to specific KPI’s and adapting new-gained ideas and solutions in His/ Her presentations
  • Viewing your presentation, receiving supportive and inspiring feedback to become even more successful public speaker
  • Building influential and high -impact presentations with the support and facilitation processes of your trainer, that encourage the audience to change their mindset, way of thinking and acting


Training goals

The Trainee will learn to:

  • Understand the expectations of the audience in terms of persuasion, structure, and style
  • Build credibility with audience
  • Handle questions and constructively assess the presentation
  • Practise and implement vocabulary and structures used in all three parts of a presentation
  • Develop the language and skills to engage the audience
  • Develop confidence in giving presentations in English – language strategies and vocabulary
  • Bring the audience to remember, understand, believe, and act on what you say
  • Develop skills of correct vocabulary, structures and phrases usage in describing changes, trends, data, products, services and all language functions listed in the contents of the training


Training methods

  • Learning through experience: preparing and giving presentations
  • Presentations viewing, analysis and discussion
  • Feedback sessions
  • Self – questionnaires and quizzes
  • Self – discovery techniques to strengthen self – esteem and self – confidence
  • Self – reflection and designing change implementation
  • Elements of coaching and mentoring
  • Language games and tongue twisters
  • Breathing exercises and relaxation exercises
  • Writing tasks as part of preparing the presentation
  • Analysis and synthesis


How long is the individual training: from 6 training hours to 3 training days, 6 training hours each


Contents of the training

Pre work:

  • Establishing with the trainer individual training goals and needs of the Participant
  • A questionnaire, a task or an exercise devised for the Participant by the Trainer to boost the self- confidence of the Participant and maximize the effectiveness of the training
  • Sending to the trainer one or two recorded presentations or public speaking events three days before the training the latest


Training sessions

  1. What are your strengths and areas to improve as a public speaker
    • SWOT analysis and what you want to be excellent at
    • Viewing your presentations and feedback
    • Action plan – competences you want to develop
    • First part of the body of presentation
      1. Welcoming the audience
      2. Introducing a subject
      3. Introducing the aims of the presentation
      4. Outlining the structure
      5. Introducing the form of dealing with questions
  1. Attention Curve,AIDAand the language of advantages
    • Structure of the presentation – get the attention of the audience
    • What is your goal?
    • What effect do you want to achieve?
    • What is your leading thread in the presentation?
    • What are your key words?
    • What is your story/ metaphor?
    • How do you weave your story?
    • What are your conclusions?
    • Calibrating your language of advantages
    • Preparing your own presentation using the Attention Curve and AIDA with the support of the trainer
  1. How to design and give the body of a presentation– looping, stories, examples and metaphors, build up, knock down
    • Vocabulary and phrases in the following functions:
      1. Ordering
      2. Givingreasons
      3. Givingexplanations
      4. Presenting pros and cons
      5. Persuading
      6. Introducingchanges
      7. Describing products, facts, services
      8. Comparing
      9. Finishing one subject and starting another
      10. Introducing data
      11. Introducing proofs and data to back your point
      12. Presenting examples
      13. Using metaphors
      14. Giving hints
      15. Using analogy
    • Presenting your presentation and feedback session
    • Viewing presentations of excellent speakers, discussion and good practises for your presentations
  2. How to end a presentation – summing up and the second peak in the Attention Curve
    • Vocabulary and phrases used in the final part of a presentation – signposting
    • Concluding
    • Summerisingmainarguments
    • Summerising main points and facts
    • Identifyingmainpoints
    • Analysing a point and giving recommendations
    • Anticipating questions
    • Dealing with questions
    • Thanking for attention
    • Presenting main solutions to the problems and establishing dates of implementation
    • Describing all materials used during a presentation

Magdalena Nowakowska

Trener biznesu i biznes coach

Trener biznesu i certyfikowany coach – Business Coaching Diploma PwC (w trakcie akredytacji AAC w ICF), praktyk biznesu. Amerykanista i anglista z 8 letnim doświadczeniem jako metodyk i wykładowca w Nauczycielskim Kolegium Języków Obcych pod metodyczną opieką UW. Od 2001 roku certyfikowany kinezjolog metodą ‘One Brain’. Three in One Concepts, California. Tłumacz i pisarz. Pracuje w języku polskim i angielskim.