ZigaForm version 7.1.2


Stress Management Training

Magdalena Nowakowska

Trener biznesu i biznes coach

Stress Management Training is a practical solution to developing efficient and really working skills, tools and techniques of stress management at work. The training focuses on solving employees’ challenges concerning stress management and developing ready-to-use strategies that increase focus, concentration on the tasks and relaxed state of mind at the same time. The trainer not only introduces knowledge about stress management, but what is most important facilitates and fosters practical solutions in three areas of stress management:

  • Stress management – mind and emotions
  • Stress management – body and daily energy and efficiency cycles at work
  • Stress management and cooperation with others at work

The training programme can be tailored to the specific needs of the client and adequately customized.
The training programme focuses on competency development in reference to particular training objectives. It employs active approach, learning through experience approach, reflection and experimentation methods.


The training techniques used are:

  • Brainstorming and mind-mapping in discovering ideas, benefits, weak and strong points
  • Self- diagnosis and questionaires in reflection and discovery exercises, follow – up exercises, lead – in exercises
  • Exercises in pairs
  • Exercises in subgroups
  • Games and energizers
  • Moderated discussions
  • Facilitation and coaching tools
  • Case study
  • Structured physical exercises in reducing stress
  • Structured mental and autogenic training (shortened version. Full version can be practiced only by doctors of medicine)
  • Mini – project work in work – life balance strategies planning and implementation
  • Elements of music therapy
  • Elements of aromatherapy
  • Elements of Yoga system: breathing and relaxation exercises


Magdalena Nowakowska

Trener biznesu i biznes coach

Trener biznesu i certyfikowany coach – Business Coaching Diploma PwC (w trakcie akredytacji AAC w ICF), praktyk biznesu. Amerykanista i anglista z 8 letnim doświadczeniem jako metodyk i wykładowca w Nauczycielskim Kolegium Języków Obcych pod metodyczną opieką UW. Od 2001 roku certyfikowany kinezjolog metodą ‘One Brain’. Three in One Concepts, California. Tłumacz i pisarz. Pracuje w języku polskim i angielskim.