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Building Resilience Skills and Stress Management at Work

Magdalena Nowakowska

Trener biznesu i biznes coach

How long: 2 days training

For Whom: Managers, experts and teams

Can the training program be customized? – YES

About the training:

  • Practical, hands on workshop with experiential exploration of how to become more happy and resilient at work
  • Effectiveness based on verified and well researched results in business organizations
  • Offers holistic approach to conscious skill and habit building
  • Uses Positive psychology methods and tools. which proved to be successful in business organizations around the world
  • Explores Positive psychology strategies in business organizations, referred to in Harvard Business Review as reliable and effective in stress reduction and building engagement
  • Increases employees’ effectiveness, improves team performance and creates supportive organizational culture.
  • The Participants learn new calm, confidence and effectiveness building skills
  • Recharges emotional and mental batteries
  • Helps hardwiring motivation and positive changes step by step
  • Quick integration of new experiences with already possessed knowledge and experience.

Training Methodology

  1. Happiness Advantage Strategy – Method researched, developed and propagated by Harvard researcher and manager Shawn Achor. He trains business organizations, education sector, government and NGO organization. The method focuses on increasing the potential of individuals and organizations by applying techniques and tools that support the management of emotional, mental and behavioral resources in direction of optimal neurological states of effectiveness and resilience.
  2. Mindfulness – Created by professor Jon Kabat Zinn, Massachusetts University and adopted all around the world as a credible method of building emotional intelligence skills and resilience skills. It forms the basis for Stress Reduction Training. The main technique of mindfulness are very short, short and longer forms of meditation and mindful movement. The goal is to increase the awareness of ones emotions, thoughts and actions toward oneself and others without judgement and with acceptance. It is beneficial in relearning automatic reactions to stressful situations and forming new habits that focus on solution oriented communication, more effective decision making and better self-agency.
  3. Stress reduction methods based on body work, relaxation exercises, kinesiology exercises and functional diet

Training techniques

  • Individual exercises
  • Self – reflection processes
  • Mini presentations
  • Moderated discussions
  • Facilitation sessions
  • Elements of interpersonal training
  • Watching films, film analysis and discussion
  • Training games and energizers
  • Self – diagnosing tests
  • Elements of individual and team coaching
  • Elements of RTZ
  • Breathing exercises
  • Learning through experience exercises

Training Objectives

The Participants will:

  1. Learn effective and easy to apply Positive Psychology anti stress and personal efficiency techniques
  2. Get to know and practice how to be more concentrated yet relaxed thanks to relaxation and breathing exercises and methods that defuse stress
  3. Learn how to manage stress and ones reactions to it in interpersonal relations with clients and co workers
  4. Develop skills of raising ones level of energy, boosting enthusiasm and self – confidence to manage stress in the long run
  5. Increase confidence and sense of control in stressful situations at work through emotions management, mental training and mindfulness techniques
  6. Increase self – confidence and assertiveness in situations that trigger reaction ” fight or fright”

Training Program

  1. Stress as a challenge instead stress as a threat
    • Happy brain at work – interesting research on positive neuroplasticity
    • Stages of change adaptability – how to build new habits in reactions to stress at work
    • Positive neuroplasticity – what is it and how it helps to build resilience at work
    • The fundaments of Mindfulness – mindfulness as and antidote to stress and a way to balance, calm, effeectiveness and personal strength


  1. Emotions at work – How to take care of your emotional and physical resources to build resilience : part one
    • One organism – 3 brains – how the discoveries of neurology and neuropsychology can help you to be happy at work
    • Happiness Advantage Strategy by Shawn Achor and effectiveness at work– techniques and exercises
    • The second brain – how your stomach influences your emotions and effectiveness at work
    • How positive emotions build your resilience – experiential practice and exercises
    • How to hardwire positive states to face challenges and become resilient – experiential practice and exercises
    • Superfoods and diet to increase emotional resilience and boost positive emotions
    • Breathing exercises, kinesiology exercises and relaxation session – dissolving stress


  1. Mental resilience and the body – How to take care of your mental and physical resources to build resilience – part two
    • How the quality of your thoughts influence emotions and trigger strength or stress reactions in the body
    • Racing thoughts, negative thoughts and mental exhaustion – how mindfulness techniques can bring relief
    • How to stop racing thoughts and increase concentration – breathing techniques, body scanning and refocusing attention
    • Superfoods, functional diet and how to drink water to maintain healthy and happy nervous system and effective performance


  1. Resilience and interpersonal communication at work – how to strengthen connection and trust in interpersonal relationships at work
    • What is resilience in relationships – research results
    • Empathic communication as the core of trust and connection in relationship
    • Communication strategies for more resilience in relationships – gratitude, compassion and appreciation at work
    • Solution focused and motivation oriented feedback to build resilience
    • Sum up session and facilitation session


  1. How to build new, effective habits and live without an autopilot mode
    • Active mode and being mode – research results which will make you value rest more
    • Habit loop – techniques to create new habits
    • How to be free from an autopilot in action – practical exercises, relaxation and simple short meditation
    • How to build new supporting habits– absorbing positive emotions and experiences to nourish the brain
    • Superfoods and natural supplements for men and women to support the brain effectiveness and build resilience

Magdalena Nowakowska

Trener biznesu i biznes coach

Trener biznesu i certyfikowany coach – Business Coaching Diploma PwC (w trakcie akredytacji AAC w ICF), praktyk biznesu. Amerykanista i anglista z 8 letnim doświadczeniem jako metodyk i wykładowca w Nauczycielskim Kolegium Języków Obcych pod metodyczną opieką UW. Od 2001 roku certyfikowany kinezjolog metodą ‘One Brain’. Three in One Concepts, California. Tłumacz i pisarz. Pracuje w języku polskim i angielskim.